Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Statement of Our Intent

Serving India’s and the world’s supreme renaissance
in the sunlight of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother,
by lifting Auroville to the skies!
(that is to say)
by building Auroville as the Earth-Queen!
The Rose-flower of the Earth!
A new kind of United Nations on India’s soil!
A cultural, educational, entrepreneurial, architectural, technological, and an all-round
World Olympics, 365 days a year, for centuries to come!

For an elaboration of our Statement of Intent, please click here.

For the statement of our approach to life and the world, please click here.


Aryadeep Vision Foundation is an umbrella body for the initiatives and projects dreamed of by Aryadeep S. Acharya over the years.

About Aryadeep S. Acharya

Born and brought up in the city of Ahmedabad, in Gujarat, India; Aryadeep S. Acharya became a follower, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo at the age of twenty in 1972. In 1990, at the age of 38, he moved to Auroville. While living in and working for the appropriate and unified development of Auroville for ­over three decades, he has gradually developed his understanding about Auroville’s immense potentialities for the future direction of India and the world. In order to realise those potentialities, he has dreamed of a number of initiatives and projects and, God willing, launch them one by one under the aegis of Aryadeep Vision Foundation.

For further details regarding Aryadeep S. Acharya, please click here.

Brief Outlines of Proposed Initiatives

1. For India’s (& the World’s) Glorious Future – a modest magazine

1. For India’s (& the World’s) Glorious Future – a modest magazine

The purpose of this magazine is to convey and convince the India’s leaders and prominent citizens in various walks of life and the prominent friends of India

2. Aurosarjan ​- An organisation

2. Aurosarjan ​- An organisation

The purpose of this organisation is to bring under one roof all the businessmen and businesswomen who draw or seek to draw their inspiration from Sri Aurobindo’s vision

3. Auro – wiki (a small work place)

3. Auro – wiki (a small work place)

Aryadeep sees a great and urgent need to revise and improve the quality of the existing Wikipedia pages on Auroville, on Sri Aurobindo & the Mother

4. Pristine India – An organisation

4. Pristine India – An organisation

“Swachh Bharat” (Clean India) mission admirably launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi is, in Aryadeep’s view, a byproduct.

5. Rose-flower Auroville – An internet platform for the joy of offering

5. Rose-flower Auroville – An internet platform for the joy of offering

Rose-flower Auroville is envisioned to emerge as an internet platform where verified and approved individuals offer freely books, things, art works, skills or expertise,

6. Auroville Worldwide – An organisation

6. Auroville Worldwide – An organisation

To facilitate the development of communities around the world for those individuals who subscribe to and love Auroville charter, Auroville aspirations and dreams

7. Town-planning for Transforming India (TPTI) – An institute

7. Town-planning for Transforming India (TPTI) – An institute

The purpose of this organisation is to propagate the hints from Sri Aurobindo and from the Auroville township model regarding how the cities and towns in India can be so planned,

8.  Honorary Auroville Citizenship – An organisation

8. Honorary Auroville Citizenship – An organisation

The purpose of this institution will be to identify individuals who stand out with their life and work for what Sri Aurobindo once called “the growth of light” and “struggle towards better things” in the world. These individuals will them be offered, after their prior approval, to honorary Auroville citizenship.

9. Nations’ Diviner Dimensions – A new kind of United Nations

9. Nations’ Diviner Dimensions – A new kind of United Nations

To contribute to the evolution of the International Zone of Auroville into a new kind of United Nations on India’s soil: a formidable international constructive force for the world’s advance towards “broad sunlit uplands”, towards a “fairer, brighter, nobler life for all mankind”.

10. Emergence Auroville – a publication unit

10. Emergence Auroville – a publication unit

To publish books which contribute to the forward journey of Auroville, and to the growth of light and peace and hope in the world.

11. Auroville Appropriate Mobility (AAM)

11. Auroville Appropriate Mobility (AAM)

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

12. Auroville Today Bhavan – a building and a corpus fund

12. Auroville Today Bhavan – a building and a corpus fund

To ensure the continued publication of Auroville’s monthly magazine Auroville Today beyond its present editors and publishers

13. Auroville Guards – an institution

13. Auroville Guards – an institution

To provide a futuristic alternative to managing social order and emergency requirement

14. Auroville Constitution – A guiding document

14. Auroville Constitution – A guiding document

To create a comprehensive document which can serve as a lighthouse for the journey of Auroville.

15. Auroville Civil Services – An acadamy

15. Auroville Civil Services – An acadamy

Each city, each country has a trained and qualified pool of human resources to manage the city or the country. Auroville too will need such people. Hence, Aryadeep envisions

16. Perfect Health – a body rejuvenation and disease healing campus

16. Perfect Health – a body rejuvenation and disease healing campus

To honour the Mother’s wish that Auroville should prove her relevance to the world not just through ideas and ideals and approaches and visions of life but also through solid undertakings that help resolve the burning problems of humanity

17. The Quest City – a widely spread-out campus

17. The Quest City – a widely spread-out campus

To materialise one of the ideas and vision of the Mother for human advance and maturity

18. The Technological Rainbow, The Indian Perspective

18. The Technological Rainbow, The Indian Perspective

To bring at one place all or maximum possible latest innovations in technologies; to promote and present to the world their convergence for improving the quality of life, for creating new horizons of the future of life on earth

19. Kalpana Shakti Yoga (KSY)

19. Kalpana Shakti Yoga (KSY)

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

20. Auroville Base Camp – an institution and a sub-community of Auroville

20. Auroville Base Camp – an institution and a sub-community of Auroville

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

21. Anthem of Auroville

21. Anthem of Auroville

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

22. 150 RPs  (In Response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Call)

22. 150 RPs (In Response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Call)

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

23. Life is Eternal – An exceptional elderly care Institute

23. Life is Eternal – An exceptional elderly care Institute

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

25. Auroville Jurisprudence

25. Auroville Jurisprudence

To present to the world by means of internet what Aryadeep S. Acharya feels as his addition to the existing yoga of asana drawing ideas and images from Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision of future of life

Logo of Aryadeep Vision Foundation - Explanation & Credit Acknowledgement

It was the beginning of 1971. Like in earlier years of the previous three decades, The Mother wrote her New Year message:

“The world is preparing for a big change. Will you help?”

One way to explain the aspiration and initiatives of the Aryadeep Vision Foundation is: to respond to The Mother’s call for “help” in some humble ways towards “a big change” “the world is preparing for”. Of course, the best way to “help” for “a big change” “the world is preparing for” is to bring about the change within oneself, in one’s inner state of consciousness. The logo of the Aryadeep Vision Foundation serves as a reminder to the “big change” within oneself as well as “big change” in the world.

This logo is originally a painting by a former Aurovilian and present friend and associate of Auroville Rolf Lieser from Germany. It expresses the profound process of psychological transformation that happens in oneself when one opens oneself to and emerges into the mountain top of one’s own greater self and truer consciousness. There, the ordinary agitating restless human mind and impure human nature are no more. One emerges from one’s small self to one’s greater larger truer self. There, one is “a right kind of giant” from the spiritual point of view.

With the artist’s kind permission, the paintings has been chosen as the logo because all the initiatives of the Aryadeep Vision Foundation have a single criterion: to facilitate the emergence of “broad sunlit uplands”, of “a fairer, brighter, nobler life for all mankind” in which both individual and collectivity emerge into their truer, larger, greater selves.

For further explanation of the logo, please click here.