Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Auroville Constitution – A guiding document

To create a comprehensive document which can serve as a lighthouse for the journey of Auroville.

One of the prominent luminaries of jurisprudence (late) Dr. L.M. Singhvi called Sri Aurobindo “the teacher of mankind”. Auroville draws her inspiration from this teacher of mankind. Hence, an Auroville constitution drawing upon from the teachings Sri Aurobindo and his co-worker the Mother could provide a broad and better roadmap for the onward journey, not just of Auroville but of India and humanity as a whole. Its philosophical content – the idea that “Man is a transitional being”, the idea that human being is a growing soul, the idea of organising the human life and the society around the discovery of the psychic being which is the true divine “engine” for the growth; the view of the Mother that “The Consciousness that has to be manifested is already in the earth’s atmosphere. Now it is only a question of receptivity”; the concept of the group soul, the planes and parts of being, the future of life on earth, the future of body on earth – and then application of this knowledge and visions to various branches of life can be so relevant and meaningful that it can be lighthouse for the life on earth to evolve on the sunlit path and pave the way for what Winston Churchill said, “broad sunlit uplands” of the human civilization. Over a longer period of time, when Auroville emerges as the Earth-Queen, many other communities and countries may wish to adopt ideas and inspiration from it.

Of course, while preparing such a document
1: The help from the scholars in the existing constitutions of various communities & countries

2: Input from the scholarly disciples of Sri Aurobindo 3: The Mother’s specific Auroville related guidance
– all will be explored and gratefully accepted. Also, the best structures for the administration of Auroville including municipality structure will be considered.

Present status
Just an idea and a dream of Aryadeep S. Acharya