Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Perfect Health – a body rejuvenation and disease healing campus

To honour the Mother’s wish that Auroville should prove her relevance to the world not just through ideas and ideals and approaches and visions of life but also through solid undertakings that help resolve the burning problems of humanity

The inspiration for having an innovative and integral health rejuvenation and disease healing campus comes from the Mother’s approach to activities in Auroville. For example, when she learned that a veterinarian in Italy had discovered an innovative cure for cancer patients, she asked if that person would like to come to Auroville and set up a clinic.

Excerpt from her talk:

“Did I tell you that in Italy a veterinarian has found a cure for cancer? … This man has discovered that goats, the goat species (male and female), never have cancer! They even went as far as trying to make them have cancer, and they didn’t succeed. Conclusion: in their makeup, there’s something opposed to cancer; they’ve discovered that something in the stomach (I forget the details), and he made a serum. As he is a veterinarian, he doesn’t have the right to give it, but he has doctor friends, and those doctors (a dozen or so) have tried it out – extraordinary cure, without fail. But with a difference: the female goat cures certain cases, while the male cures other cases; it’s not the same with the male or the female, they cure different types of cancer (I understand nothing about it). Anyway, he lives somewhere in Italy, I don’t know where, and I had him asked if he would like to come here – he has accepted. (…..) So we could open a “cancer clinic,” that would be very interesting! (….) That would be wonderful! …..It would straight away give an interesting direction …. “Auroville, the city of healing”! That would be good!” (Ref. Mother’s Agenda, Vol. 10, Conversation dt. August 9, 1969) The above incident brings out how keen the Mother was that Auroville becomes a relevant city in the world for solving major issues facing humanity. As one of the humble steps in that direction, taking cue from the above conversation, Aryadeep envisions an innovative and integral health rejuvenation and disease healing campus, Perfect Youth in or near Auroville. Of course, the success of this idea depends upon several factors. But the absence of those factors does not mean that the idea

itself should not be cherished. The website and all publications of the Perfect Health will carry the following disclaimer.

A Disclaimer:

Perfect Health, figuratively speaking, is an evolutionary goal and destination. It is possible only for the new supramental species with a divine substance of body. The words “Perfect Health” are taken from a twelve bullet-point note the Mother wrote in 1937 under the heading: “What I want to bring about in the material world, upon the earth”. The words “Perfect Health” appear in the 4th bullet point as follows:

“Health – perfect,constant,unshakable health; perpetually renewed energy”

Present status

Just an idea and a cherished dream based on the Mother’s views of Auroville activities