Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Life is Eternal - An exceptional elderly care Institute


The purpose of the Life is Eternal is to provide, within an institutional framework, a great and inspiring experience of the evening of life and to assist in the psychological and aspirational preparation for the most appropriate circumstances for this life and the next for the higher aspiration of the soul to be fulfilled.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have explained that the beings of the new world will have different bodies with different substances. One of the attributes of the new body will be perpetual youth, agelessness. This is in the future…a distant future. Meanwhile, in our own times, people age and die. Their soul (psychic being) is born again in a new body. An appropriate environment and care can go a long way in transitioning from one life to another in the best state of consciousness.

The title “Life is eternal” is actually the Mother’s answer to a close disciple, Madhav Pandit. On seeing her frail physique during the last months of her life, he told her that he would do anything to add a single day to her life. Mother took Madhav Pandit’s hand and softly said, “Life is eternal.”

This title has been chosen to remind ourselves that this body is only one of the garbs we wear in the spirit’s evolution.

Bhavana Dee, a pioneering Aurovilian from the USA, wrote an article about her own last days after she was dragonized with cancer. She knew she was approaching her death. One of the things she wrote was She was thinking about her next life, that is to say, which kind of new environment she will have, which kind of friends and family and psychological being she will have.

After meeting the renowned Indian industry leader and staunch friend of Auroville J.R.D. Tata, Frederick, another pioneer Aurovilian wrote: “He wanted to hear more and more about Auroville, and he was like a child. Now that he has left his body, I feel his next life has already begun.”
Based on this clue, Life is eternal’s mission will be to provide an inspiring psychic and spiritual environment and excellent physical care to elderly individuals, offering the best environment and care for this life to grow and transition to the next.

Present status

Just an idea and dream of Aryadeep S. Acharya.It might be necessary to hive it off into an independent undertaking.