Aryadeep Vision Foundation

A modest magazine “For India’s (& the World’s) Glorious Future”


The purpose of this magazine is to convey and, hopefully, convince the progressive, forward-looking, open-minded sections of India and humanity; the lovers of India and the lovers of bright human future why Auroville should be most important, most prestigious, flagship project and face of India and why, in cooperation with maximum possible nations, her great, grand and gorgeous development into a magnificent universal futuristic city – “the Earth-Queen”, “the Rose-flower of Earth” – a highest priority for the glorious future India and the world.


In the sun-light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, India is a country of destiny for the world’s supreme renaissance. However, for India to be able to fulfil her destiny, the deeper truth of India, the real strength and individuality of India must come forward. This can happen ONLY when India has new visions, new horizons, new dreams, new aims and ideals, new approaches and inspirations, a new worldview, a new light.  Auroville, and her inspiration source Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, offer those wonderful things.  Hence, the great all-round success of Auroville will, in God’s good time, facilitate the coming forward of the deeper strengths and the true individuality of India.  Overcoming all the difficulties, India will then pave the way for the world’s supreme renaissance and create a heaven on earth! 

The Mother’s following words should be understood in this context:

“And the clear vision: the same thing which in the history of the universe made the earth the symbolic representation of the universe so as to concentrate the work on one point, the same phenomenon is now taking place: India is the representation of all human difficulties on earth, and it is in India that the … cure will be found. And then, that is why – THAT IS WHY I was made to start Auroville.” (Ref. Mother’s Agenda, V. 6)


The content of the magazine will largely be drawn from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother besides scholarly writings of many researchers, disciples and Aurovilians. 

The idea is to send the printed version of the magazine free of subscription charges to many prominent citizens of India and to prominent friends of India abroad¬ besides to well-wishers and supporters of the magazine. There will also be digital version for those who opt for it.   

The magazine is intended to be a monthly. Recipients can delist / unsubscribe ¬themselves from receiving the manage, if they so wish.  

Present status

The magazine has commenced its journey on 15th August 2024 –  Sri Aurobindo’s 152th birthday and India’s 77th Independence Day, the same day when this website was launched.