An organisation - Aurosarjan
To bring together under one roof those business people who have accepted what Sri Aurobindo termed in his Independence Day message to India (longer version) on 15th August 194: ) “my gospel of life”, and to explore possibilities of their jointly supporting projects and activities that enhance human receptivity to the new world which, in the Mother’s experience, is making its way.
Secondly, since great and grand success of Auroville could increase human receptivity tremendously, to regard supporting Auroville as a high priority for Aurosarjan.
Two extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo
“All wealth belongs to belongs to the Divine and those who hold it are trustees, not possessors. …All depends on the way they discharge their trust while it is with them, in what spirit, with what consciousness in their use of it, to what purpose.”
“In the supramental creation the money-force has to be restored to the Divine Power and used for a true and beautiful and harmonious equipment and ordering of a new divinised vital and physical existence in whatever way the Divine Mother herself decides in her creative vision¬.”
The above two extracts are but two small rays of light from the profound, comprehensive and multi-pronged sunlight on the topic of wealth and money-force from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Aurosarjan then seeks to bring together the businessmen / businesswomen and professionals in various disciplines. By coming together under the organizational roof, they will
- Find the company of those who subscribe and try to follow the same guidance, same inspiration, same vision, same attitude towards their business, wealth, money, prosperity.
- Freely and voluntarily, pull their financial resources in a common pot, a common fund according to their convenience. Funds from this common pot will then be directed towards projects and undertakings which, in broadest sense, serve and help to realise Sri Aurobindo’s vision of the future.
Actual functioning of Aurosarjan
Aurosarjan will have its premises, preferably in Auroville. The members of Aurosarjan will choose its office bearers. It will have its constitution. It will have its staff for the day-to-day functioning. It will have its bulletin / newsletter. It will have its internal website (intranet) as well as external website for interface with the world (extranet). Whenever necessary, members will meet either online or offline or combination of both. There will be annual general meeting online or offline or combination of both. Retired or semi-retired former businessmen / professionals may spare greater part of their time for the organisation.
The funds from the common pot will be disbursed by a committee appointed by the members of Aurosarjan. There will be a procedure for applying for grants. There will be criteria for selecting projects and activities for grants. There will be continuous monitoring of the progress and right use of the grants by the recipients. Everything will be transparent.
Present status – Just an idea and a dream of Aryadeep. It is expected to be launched once Aryadeep Vision Foundation have qualified individuals and other resources to take it forward in consultation with Aryadeep.
A relevant extract from one of the conversations of the Mother:
“… should be like a receiving and transmitting station and that the wider the range (just the opposite of personal), the more impersonal, comprehensive and wide it is, the more force it can hold (“force” that is translated materially: notes and coins). This power to hold is proportional to the capacity to use the money in the best way—“best” in terms of the general progress: the widest vision, the greatest understanding and the most enlightened, exact and true usage, not according to the warped needs of the ego but according to the general need of the earth for its evolution and development. That is to say, the widest vision will have the largest capacity.….there is a joy in being able to direct, utilise, organise in such a way that there is a minimum of waste and the maximum of result. It is a very interesting vision to have. And this must be the true side in people who want to accumulate money: it is the capacity to use it on a very large scale. Then, there are those who very much like to have it and spend it; that is something else — they are generous natures, neither regulated nor organised. But the joy of being able to satisfy all true needs, all necessities, is good. It is like the joy of changing a sickness into health, a falsehood into truth, a suffering into joy; it is the same thing: to change an artificial and foolish need—which does not correspond to anything natural—into a possibility which becomes something quite natural—so much money is needed to do this or that or the other, so much is needed to arrange this, to repair that, to build this, to organise that—that is good. And I understand that people like to be the channels through which the money goes exactly where it is needed.” (Ref. The Mother on Auroville, dt. 10.4.1968)