Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Auroville Worldwide

The two purposes of Auroville Worldwide are

  1. To facilitate the development of communities around the world for those individuals who love Auroville charter, Auroville aspirations and dreams, Auroville vision and worldview, Auroville spirit but who cannot reside in Auroville. In other words, these communities will have exactly same kind of aspirations and intentions, same worldview, same approaches and “philosophy” as Auroville but physically they will be situated elsewhere in the world.
  2. To maintain the diversity of nationalities in Auroville. Thus, if the number people from a particular nationality in Auroville increases beyond a reasonable limit, the newcomers from that nationality, after certain span of grooming & familiarity in Auroville, are recommended to move to these communities.

Present status
Just an idea and dream of Aryadeep