Aryadeep Vision Foundation

  1. Create great supportive formations mentally for the initiatives of Aryadeep Vision Foundation! This may sound strange but following extract from the Mother’s talk makes this way of collaborating very important and relevant.

The Mother: Note that this power of formation has a great advantage, if one knows how to use it. You can make good formations and if you make them properly, they will act in the same way as the others. You can do a lot of good to people just by sitting quietly in your room, perhaps even more good than by undergoing a lot of trouble externally. If you know how to think correctly, with force and intelligence and kindness, if you love someone and wish him well very sincerely, deeply, with all your heart, that does him much good, much more certainly than you think. I have said this often; for example, to those who are here, who learn that someone in their family is very ill and feel that childish impulse of wanting to rush immediately to the spot to attend to the sick person. I tell you, unless it is an exceptional case and there is nobody to attend on the sick person (and at times even in such a case), if you know how to keep the right attitude and concentrate with affection and good will upon the sick person, if you know how to pray for him and make helpful formations, you will do him much more good than if you go to nurse him, feed him, help him wash himself, indeed all that everybody can do. Anybody can nurse a person. But not everybody can make good formations and send out forces that act for healing. [Collected Works of the Mother, vol 5, pp 132-134)

2. If you think that you can contribute your skills, your talents, your experience or expertise to one or more initiatives of the Aryadep Vision Foundation, please drop a line to

3. Funding contributions:

Like every undertaking, the funding resource is one of the primary ingredients for Aryadeep Vision Foundation. So, donations (often inwardly regarded by some as “offerings to the divine”) are welcomed and appreciated but before you donate, ask yourself following questions:

  1. Is there a strength and clarity of intention in the people behind this Aryadeep Vision Foundation?
  2. Are people behind Aryadeep Vision Foundation committed to their undertaking?
  3. Do they have energy and enthusiasm to carry out their projects and initiatives?
  4. Are they honest, trustworthy, straightforward in all dealings and communications?
  5. Do that have inspired vision with effective implementation?
  6. Do they have strong administrating foundation?

Having asked these questions, please know that at present (as on 2025) Aryadeep Vision Foundation is

  1. A seed that seeks to grow into a grand Banyan.
  2. A tiny white line on a blank sky that seeks to evolve into a beautiful rainbow
  3. A new catamaran in the ocean
  4. Being just a newly planted seed, it has no notable assets or infrastructure