Aryadeep Vision Foundation

More details about Aryadeep S. Acharya

Over the last three decades, Aryadeep S. Acharya’s work and efforts in Auroville have resulted in
1. Seven hundred, mostly Auroville-related articles, posted on Auroville’s internal website Auronet. Some were published in the internal weekly News & Notes. Numerous comments to articles posted by fellow-Aurovilians
2. A series of fifty-eight articles – “Imagine Auroville the Earth-Queen” posted on Auroville’s internal website and to be posted on a new website created for this purpose
3. More than one hundred issues of a newsletter on the unified harmonious development of Auroville. (In cooperation with different colleagues at different points of time. The newsletter is still being published.)
4. Managing various aspects of fund-raising for Auroville land consolidation to ensure Auroville’s unified and harmonious development over the last 27 years. The work continues.
5. Help secure (in cooperation with team members) more than 500 acres of land for Auroville’s unified and harmonious development.
6. Half a dozen research papers on Auroville-related topics (one of these, namely, “Town-planning for Transforming India into a Right Kind of Giant”, published in a specialized magazine in Germany in 2012 and the other, “The Force Behind the Indian Renaissance and Crucial Significance of Auroville’s Emergence” published in an anthology on Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy in the UK, in 2020 under the title )
7. Compiling and editing a book on a prominent Indian public figure and former chairman of the Auroville Foundation Dr. Karan Singh: “Dear Aurovilians – Inspiration from Karan Singh’s Auroville Collaboration”.
8. A book – For India’s (and the world’s) Glorious Future – (subtitled ‘A Study into the Crucial Long-Term Relevance of the Emergence of Auroville as a Unique Universal Futuristic World-City for India’s and the world’s Supreme Renaissance)
9. Nominating Dr. Karan Singh for the world’s largest award The Templeton Prize, given annually to any living individual who has made outstanding contribution to the spiritual progress and welfare of humanity. (The nomination, submitted in 2016, was seconded with endorsement letters from Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (recipient of India’s highest civilian award – Bharat Ratna), Prof. Manoj Das (Recipient of India’s second highest civilian award Padma Vibhusan), Sir Mark Tully (Recipient of India’s forth higher civilian award), Prof. Debasish Banerji (an eminent art critic and exponent of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy) and Sh. Anurag Banerjee, founder-director of the Overman Foundation)
10. Writing a nomination document for the Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. M. S. Swaminathan for his contribution for India’s food security. (The nomination was submitted to the Nobel Prize committee by Dr. Karan Singh in 2018)
11. Publishing five English-Gujarati bi-lingual poetry books (related to Rabindranath Tagore, Krishna, poems on a teenage grandson) by a gifted but unknown Gujarati poet Prof. Manohar Desai in 2023-2024
12. Answering 200 questions, mostly related to Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Auroville on Quora – an internet platform for answering questions and sharing knowledge.
13. Launching of Aryadeep Vision Foundation, and its modest monthly magazine ‘For India’s (& the World’s) Glorious Future’ in February 2025