Aryadeep Vision Foundation

Honorary Auroville Citizenship Research Institute (HACRI)

The purpose of this institution will be to identify individuals who stand out with their life and work for what Sri Aurobindo once called “the growth of light” and “struggle towards better things” in the world. These individuals will them be offered, after their prior approval, to honorary Auroville citizenship.

J.R. D. Tata: “I am not an Aurovilian but I have Auroville spirit.”
Above words of J.R. D. Tata also apply to numerous known or less known people in the world. However, it may not be practically possible to identify all such individuals but those who stand out could be identified and offered Honorary Auroville Citizenship.

These can be done two ways:

  1.  Anybody can nominate a person by providing in a prescribed format a detailed profile of an individual in his or her knowledge to this institution in Auroville. The screening body of this institution will then study the submission and decide about it.
  2. The institution itself can do research and identify the individuals who deserve to be awarded Honorary Auroville Citizenship.

    Honorary Auroville citizenship will carry certain privileges which may include
    1. A place in Auroville and the communities of Auroville Worldwide which they can visit with their family and friends as esteemed guests after prior booking and confirmation. (They may voluntarily contribute towards the cost of their stay but the more important point is their association with Auroville, there moral support, they lending their names to Auroville, even possibly their contribution / collaboration to projects within Auroville and the communities of Auroville worldwide).

    2. It goes without saying if these individuals want to settle down in Auroville or the communities of Auroville Worldwide, they will be gratefully welcomed and extended maximum possible support.

    3. Their recommendations letters for any individual for residency in Auroville or the communities of Auroville Worldwide will carry a special weight and, unless there are solid reasons, they will be honored. If not honored, the reasons for the same will be communicated to the respected Honourary Auroville citizen.

Aryadeep’s hope and dream is that the invitation for Honorary Auroville Citizenship should be sent by the office of the President of India because, in Aryadeep’s view, Auroville should be the flagship project and face of India.

Present status
Just and idea and dream of Auroville